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US Marines Land In Norway For The First Time Since World War II, Angering Russia

US Marines Land In Norway For The First Time Since World War II, Angering Russia

Just one week after thousands of US troops arrived in Poland to "support NATO's Anti-Russian buildup" across Eastern Europe, 300 U.S. Marines from Camp Lejeune landed in Norway on Monday for a six-month deployment, marking the first time since World War II that foreign troops have been allowed to be stationed there, in a deployment breaking with decades of tradition by Norway not to host foreign forces, and angering Norway's Arctic neighbor Russia, according to Reuters.

A 747 carrying 300 Marines arrived on Monday. Photo: Ned Alley / NTB scanpix

Russian Foreign Ministry: "Obama Still Has A Few Days Left To Destroy The World"

Russian Foreign Ministry: "Obama Still Has A Few Days Left To Destroy The World"

There is a reason Vladimir Putin and the Russian top political echelon has been avoiding the media following the onslaught of allegations lobbed at the Kremlin, and Trump: as AP writes, careful not to hurt chances for a thaw in U.S.-Russia relations, President Putin and other Russian officials "have deferred questions about their plans for future contacts with Trump and any agenda for those talks until he takes office on Friday." In short, the "Kremlin is counting the days to his inauguration and venting its anger at Barack Obama's outgoing administration, no holds barred."

Putin: CIA Performing Massive Cyberattack Against Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the US intelligence services of performing a massive cyberattack against Russia.  According to a senior security official, Russia is facing “increased cyber attacks” originating in the U.S. Reuters reports: U.S. intelligence agencies say Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a cyber campaign aimed at boosting Donald Trump’s electoral chances by discrediting his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign. Russia has dismissed the accusations as a “witch-hunt”.
