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Could NATO Try to Divide Russia Up?

Via The Daily Bell


NATO seeks to break up Russia into small client states … Scores of people have staged a protest in a northern German port city against the deployment and transport of NATO troops and weapons through the city. The protesters marched through the city of Bremerhaven, holding signs and banners that read, “No NATO deployment! End the militaristic march against Russia!” and “Out of NATO.” -Press TV

China Slams US Hacking Accusation As "Groundless Smear Campaign", Demands Washington Explain Its Own Spying

China Slams US Hacking Accusation As "Groundless Smear Campaign", Demands Washington Explain Its Own Spying

While Russia continues to mostly mock and ridicule, and generally take in good humor, the constant allegations by the Obama administration that it "hacked the election", without actually hacking the election - as in actually rigging or changing the votes - but merely exposing the corruption of the DNC and the cronyism of the Clinton Family Foundation, even if so far the highly confident US "intelligence agencies" have yet to demonstrate a shred of proof substantiating such allegations, China's reaction to a similar accusation has demonstrated far less sense of humor.

Russia Accuses President Obama Of Undermining US Democracy

A Russian politician has come out in defence of democracy, arguing that the only person who undermined American democracy in recent years was President Obama and not Putin. In a series of tweets on Friday, the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, Alexei Pushkov, argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by the Obama administration and the media – not by a Russian hacking campaign. The Blaze reports: In a series of tweets late Friday, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov criticized the U.S.

Trump Says 'Stupid People or Fools' Want Bad Relations with Russia and Triggers Trolls in the Process

In light of the absurd and ridiculous 'DECLASSIFIED' report on Russian hacking, which demonstrated (wait for it) that Russian news agencies painted Hillary Clinton in a negative light as one of their chief arguments, Donald Trump is out trolling his detractors in a most hilarious way by suggesting having good relations with the only other nuclear super power in the world was preferable.
