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Former UK Ambassador Says Source Of Clinton Emails Was "Disgusted" Democratic Whistleblower

Former UK Ambassador Says Source Of Clinton Emails Was "Disgusted" Democratic Whistleblower

Just as the CIA/Democrat/Mainstream Media narrative of Russia's involvement in the election jumps the shark with fact-less accusations of Putin's personal involvement, The Daily Mail blows the entire 'hack' meme out of the water. As an evoy for Wikileaks, former UK ambassador Craig Murray claims he flew to Washington for a clandestine handoff with one source, who "had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks... Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians."

British MP Say Russia Probably Hacked Brexit Vote

Whenever a scapegoat is needed….just blame the Russians. The latest Russian hack has now been exposed thanks to British Labour member of parliament Ben Bradshaw who claims that it is “highly probable” that Russia interfered in the UK’s Brexit referendum. He said that Moscow’s interference in the vote would fit a pattern of meddling in other nations’ affairs, following the CIA’s accusation that Russian hackers tried to influence the recent US elections.

British Member Of Parliament Accuses Russia Of Manipulating Brexit Vote

First, the US blamed Russian hackers for Hillary Clinton's unexpected loss, a narrative which continues to reverberate with the relentless crusade by both the WaPo and NYT against "fake news." then Germany preemptively blamed Russia for a potential loss by Angela Merkel in the upcoming elections: as we reported last night, Germany's domestic intelligence agency is reporting a "striking increase" in Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns aimed at destabilizing German society, and targeted cyber attacks against political parties.

Now, it's the UK's turn.

The New York Times Explains How It Became An "Instrument Of Russian Intelligence"

The New York Times Explains How It Became An "Instrument Of Russian Intelligence"

In a massive (in a literal sense, printing at 25 pages and over 8,000 words as there is little new information revealed in the piece itself) expose issued by the NYT tited "The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S." and meant to piggyback on the WaPo's recent reporting and solidify the left-leaning media's case that Hillary lost the election, the New York Times try to summarize all the recent publicly available information on alleged Russian hackings of everything from the DNC server to the Podesta email.
