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In Unexpected Move, Trump Enacts Obama-era Law Opening US Arms Sales To Ukraine

In Unexpected Move, Trump Enacts Obama-era Law Opening US Arms Sales To Ukraine

After years of covert American involvement in the Ukrainian proxy and civil war which has raged since 2014 - and which a leaked recording confirmed was precipitated by the US State Department - President Trump has decided to come off the fence regarding his prior reluctance to formally approve arms sales to the Kiev government.

"Give Us The Man, We Will Make The Case": Civil Forfeiture, RussiaGate, And The Police State

"Give Us The Man, We Will Make The Case": Civil Forfeiture, RussiaGate, And The Police State

Authored by Jim Jatras via,

When do we realize we’re already living in a police state?

Maybe one clue is when our betters make a point of assuring us that we aren’t. Here’s Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testifying before a House Judiciary Committee inquiry into political bias in the Robert Mueller “Russia-gate” investigation:

NATO Crisis: Germany's Entire Submarine Fleet Is Paralyzed

NATO Crisis: Germany's Entire Submarine Fleet Is Paralyzed

Throughout 2017, America’s control of NATO policymaking has become more evident than ever, with the sole objective of war-making against Russia. NATO and Russia continue to build up arms, equipment, and troops along the eastern region of Europe, but there is a new development that has NATO worried.

Germany’s operational readiness of its entire submarine fleet is dead in the water.

Yes, you heard that correctly, Germany’s prized submarines are currently on maintenance calls or in desperate need of repairs.
