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Russian Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Oil Facilities Near Turkish Border

As Russia intensifies airstrikes on the terrorists’ oil smuggling routes, the Russian defense ministry released footage of Su-34 bombers destroying an ISIS oil-refining plant near the Syrian city of Ras al-Ayn on the border with Turkey. Released on Thursday the video shows Russian jets hitting the illegal oil reservoirs located on territory under Islamic State control.

NATO Needs Enemies In Order To Justify Its Existence

NATO has always been more about offense than defense, and more about America controlling the policies of Alliance members, increasing their numbers, pressuring them to stress militarism more than they’d chose otherwise and of course, selling them lots of US weapons according to writer and activist Stephen Lendman. In an article for Global research he writes: When founded in April 1949, Soviet Russia was a North Atlantic Alliance enemy in name only, ravaged by WW II – needing years after Stalin’s April 1953 death to regain pre-war normality, peace essential to restore it.

Russia Awards First Free Plots Of Land In Far East

Russia has given away free hectares of land to three families in the country’s Amur region. In an initiative to develop the country’s remote Far East the Russian government has approved the first applications under the country’s free land scheme. The region’s Arkharinsky district which borders China was chosen as the pilot area for the scheme where any Russian citizen could apply for a free tract of land. RT reports: “The first three applications were received from residents in the area, which for many years engaged in beekeeping.
