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Putin Vows Retaliation Over US Missile Shield; Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"

Putin Vows Retaliation Over US Missile Shield; Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"

While Obama was in Hiroshima in a historic trip as the first standing president of the only nation to have ever used a nuclear weapon during wartime, and warning about the dangers of nuclear power without offering an apology to Japan, Russian president Putin was in Greece seeking to resume where he left off one year ago, ahead of the turbulent Greece "referendum" and capital controls, following which the Greek people have turned increasingly against remaining in the Eurogroup, a shift Putin certainly hopes to capitalize on.

Tsipras commented on twitter:

Al-Nusra Front In Syria Receiving Weapons From Turkey

According to Russia’s General Staff  the terrorist group Al-Nusra Front is receiving daily arms shipments across the border from Turkey. Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy told journalists on Friday that the Al-Qaeda linked group remains a major destabilizing factor in Syria. The group used the ceasefire between government forces and moderate rebels in Syria to regroup and renew hostilities. RT reports: “Damascus is being continuously shelled from Eastern Ghouta. There were numerous attempts to capture power station near Homs and block the road connecting Aleppo and Damascus.

Beware What Washington Wishes For - Russia Is Ready For War

Authored by Pepe Escobar, Op-Ed via,

So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was inducted as a new member.

Global Robocop NATO predictably discussed Afghanistan (a war NATO ignominiously lost); Iraq (a war the Pentagon ignominiously lost); Libya (a nation NATO turned into a failed state devastated by militia hell); Syria (a nation NATO, via Turkey, would love to invade, and is already a militia hell).
