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Obama Calling For German Military Support To Fight Russia

President Obama has asked NATO ally Germany to actively deploy troops along NATO’s eastern borders, raising the fear of an invasion by Russia. The West is afraid of a Russian invasion of Europe based on Russia’s annexation of Crimea. NATO is expanding eastwards because of it, giving the Russian’s a legitimate reason to fear an invasion. Russia saw the Ukrainian conflict from the start as an attempt by the west to destabilize the region and encroach upon Russian interests.

Obama Blowback & Saudi Arabia's "Real Nuclear Option"

Obama Blowback & Saudi Arabia's "Real Nuclear Option"

Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted Op-Ed at,

US President Barack Obama landed in Saudi Arabia for a GCC petrodollar summit and to proverbially “reassure Gulf allies” amidst the oiliest of storms.

The Doha summit this past weekend that was supposed to enshrine a cut in oil production by OPEC, in tandem with Russia – it was practically a done deal – ended up literally in the dust.

For The First Time US Deploys Two F-22 Raptors Close To Russia To "Deter Aggression"

For The First Time US Deploys Two F-22 Raptors Close To Russia To "Deter Aggression"

Tensions are rapidly escalating between the US and Russia following last week two fly-bys when first a Russian Su-24 "buzzed" the US missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea, and just days later flew within 50 feet of a US recon plane also flying over the Baltic Sea, which some interpreted as a Russian warning to Poland. The U.S. quickly responded and complained vocally to Russia (even if Obama did not mention the incident during his phone call with Putin immediately following the incident).


The Real Reason Saudi Arabia Killed Doha

Submitted by Rakesh Upadhyay via,

Saudi Arabia single-handedly scuttled the Doha meeting, knowing all along that Iran would not participate, with a valid reason. The Russians and others agreed to proceed without Iran, planning to include them at a later date. So if everything was known beforehand, why did the Saudi’s pour cold water on the aspirations of the remaining members, risking its alienation from Russia and the OPEC community?
