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"Why We Need To Beat Russia"

"Why We Need To Beat Russia"

Submitted by The Saker, authored by Cathal Haughian

250,000 capitalists read the Financial Times, and it has been our undertaking to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. A USA led team has answered the question ‘What is The Nature of the Monetary System?’ The Monetary system has three layers – the core is Religion and the unconscious mind – as they formed first. The outer layer is operational and intersects with geopolitics, it explains:

Why we need to beat Russia

The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War — Paul Craig Roberts

Sputnik interview with PCR
The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War
John Harrison, Host

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, shares his view that there is a real likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out. Below are the main points covered in this radio programme.

What Oil Production Freeze: Russia Just Revealed The Laughable Loophole In The OPEC "Agreement"

The main catalyst that pushed the price of oil from a 13 year low in early February, when crude briefly traded in the mid-$20 to well over 50% higher less than one month later in one of the world's most furious short squeezes, was the recurring infatuation with the fabricated narrative that OPEC would if not cut production then, then at least freeze it.

We mocked this, as recently as one month ago, when we wrote "About That "Oil Freeze": Russian Crude Production Sets New Post-Soviet Record In February" an article which was self-explanatory:

World War 3 Has Begun – John Pilger

In the last eighteen months the Obama administration have initiated the greatest build-up of military forces since World War two along Russia’s western frontier.  Such a military build up hasn’t been since since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Australian journalist John Pilger says that World War 3 has already begun. The media just don’t know about it yet because, at present, it is a war of propaganda, lies and distraction. But that can change in an instant. reports: Ukraine – once part of the Soviet Union – has become a CIA theme park.
