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Russia Is Now China’s Biggest Oil Partner

Russia is now the top crude oil exporter to China. It appears that Russia is reaping the rewards of dumping the dollar. At the the beginning of the decade the Saudi share of Chinese crude imports was around 20%, while Russia’s was below 7%… But that has changed and as the Russians creep in, the Saudis are starting to get nervous. Russia Insider reports: Now the Saudis find themselves neck and neck with Moscow for the lead in Chinese market share, with both performing in the 13-16% range. But Russia’s share continues to rise, as The Kingdom struggles to maintain a foothold. Why?

Henry Kissinger Meets With Putin In Moscow

President Putin of Russia has met with the former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security advisor Henry Kissinger at his residence outside Moscow. RT reports: The Kremlin said that the two have “long-standing, friendly relations” and that they have used the “opportunity to talk.” The meeting is a continuation of a “friendly dialogue between President Putin and Henry Kissinger, who are bound by a longstanding relationship,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “They communicate all the time, use the opportunity to talk,” he added.

Obama Escalates Tensions With Russia As Media Keeps Quiet

Retired professor of Russian studies and history at Princeton, Stephen F. Cohen, warns that a nuclear war between Russia and the West looms on the horizon. The Pentagon has announced that it will quadruple US-NATO military forces in countries verging on Russia’s borders. The move by the Obama Administration to have the two opposing forces so close to each other would then necessitate a response from Russia. The presstitute media and the U.S. presidential campaigns prefer to ignore this dire international dilemma.

ISIS Preparing For Subway Attack In Russia

Russian authorities are urgently tracking down three ISIS militants who they say are planning to attack the subways in cities across Russia.  Fort Russ reports: Among them are two female suicide bombers, one of whom is a citizen of Saudi Arabia named Majida al-Salali. “The citizens of Saudi Arabia and Tunisia went from Syria to Turkey, from where they planned to go to the territory of the Russian Federation under the guise of tourists,” said a source in law enforcement, — after which the terrorists are planning to organize terrorist attacks in the subway of Yekaterinburg and St.
