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You Want War With Russia?

You Want War With Russia?

In this article, Pepe Escobar spells out the across-the-board military superiority of Russia over the combined forces of the West:

The reckless arrogance of the American neoconservaives has blinded the White House Fool and the dumbshits that sit in the House and Senate to the disastrous consequences for the West of war with Russia.

You Want War? Russia Is Ready For War

Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted at Sputnik News,

Nobody needs to read Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski’s 1997 opus to know US foreign policy revolves around one single overarching theme: prevent – by all means necessary – the emergence of a power, or powers, capable of constraining Washington’s unilateral swagger, not only in Eurasia but across the world.

Russia Sees No Oil Price Recovery In The Coming 7 Years

Oil has given up all the overnight gains as we head towards the open and algos wake up to the reality that Russia's deputy FinMin believes...


Submitted by Andy Tully via,

“Lower for longer” is becoming the catch phrase of the global oil industry, as an increasing number of energy executives and government officials alike see no opportunity for prices to rebound to their levels of mid-2014.
