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An Angry Senator Grassley Lashes Out At FBI, DOJ In Fiery Senate Floor Speech

An Angry Senator Grassley Lashes Out At FBI, DOJ In Fiery Senate Floor Speech

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) blasted the FBI and Senate Democrats on Wednesday for their unwillingness to fairly investigate Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, stating that the Democrats on the committee he oversees "only want to talk about [President] Trump." 

In a fiery speech to the Senate, Grassley lambasted Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democrats for "a double standard here in the way that they desperately want to go after the president but ignore all other potential wrongdoing in the previous administration."

How Unusual Is It for An Incoming Administration to Talk to Russian Leaders?

Those who want to impeach Trump say his contacts (through Flynn and others) with high-level Russians, such as Russian Ambassador Kislyak, was treason … or at the very least an impeachable offense.

Others – without any proof – say that the president-elect’s team contacting foreign leaders is normal.

Who’s right?

The New York Times reports:

It is common and not improper for transition officials to meet with foreign officials.

Russia Says Won't Broadcast Winter Olympics After National Team Barred From 2018 Games

Russia Says Won't Broadcast Winter Olympics After National Team Barred From 2018 Games

Update: It's past 10 pm in Moscow, and while many didn't expect a response from the Russian government to the news of its Winter Olympics ban, a representative from Russian state television said it will not broadcast the Winter Olympics unless its national team is allowed to compete, according to Interfax.

Meanwhile, the president of the Russian skating union says the IOC decision to ban Russia from the Olympics is offensive and insulting, and will ultimately harm the Olympic movement.

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More Anti-Trump Messages Reportedly Sent By Members Of Mueller's Team: "A Lot More Is Going To Come Out"

More Anti-Trump Messages Reportedly Sent By Members Of Mueller's Team: "A Lot More Is Going To Come Out"

Days after it emerged that former Special Counsel investigator Peter Strzok was fired from Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia probe in August for sending anti-Trump text messages to his mistress while the two were working together on the Clinton email investigation, Sara Carter of Circa told a Fox News panel that there are more anti-Trump messages sent by Mueller's team floating around.
