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CIA Director Met With NSA Whistleblower Who Disputes Russia's Role In DNC Hack

CIA Director Met With NSA Whistleblower Who Disputes Russia's Role In DNC Hack

One year ago, we introduced readers to William Binney, a former high-ranking NSA official turned whistleblower with an interesting theory: Binney believes the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia-linked hackers stole emails from the DNC as they pushed to sway the election in Trump’s favor is bullshit.

Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Update: Twitter has re-activated Delaware's account. The company declined to comment about why it reinstated the account and about whether it would amend the list it sent to Congress.

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Authored by Louise Matsakis via,

Robert Delaware is now part of the Congressional record, despite having no apparent ties to Russia...

Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records; Suspects Journalists Paid To Spread "Russian Collusion" Claims

Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records; Suspects Journalists Paid To Spread "Russian Collusion" Claims

For nearly a year now we've all been inundated with 24x7 media coverage of the "Russian Collusion" narrative which suggests, among other things, that various members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives to obtain damaging information on Hillary Clinton and then used social media to spread that damaging information far and wide, thus causing Hillary's inevitable second failed bid for the White House.

Wilbur Ross Responds To Accusations He Hid Ties To Putin-Linked Firm

Wilbur Ross Responds To Accusations He Hid Ties To Putin-Linked Firm

After the latest offshore tax investigative bombshell called the "Paradise Papers" - a sequel to last year's Panama Papers - revealed yesterday that Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross had indirect business ties with two Russian oligarchs, as well as Vladimir Putin's son-in-law, the secretary who has found himself in hot water over more alleged backroom deals with Russia, rebutted those claims and told CNBC that he was totally transparent about his holdings, and all pertinent disclosures were made on his version of Form 278, the main financial disclosure form for the executive br
