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Do Shifting Democrat Talking Points Confirm That "Trump Is Unlikely To Be Implicated" In Russia Probe?

Do Shifting Democrat Talking Points Confirm That "Trump Is Unlikely To Be Implicated" In Russia Probe?

Over the past several weeks, the Russia-related talking points of Democrats and their mainstream media echo chambers have shifted from constantly insisting that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election to focus on a seemingly irrelevant amount of advertising dollars that may have been spent on various social media platforms by people that "may have been connected" to the Kremlin...which, to our understanding, is defined as anyone with their browser language set to Russian.

Neck and Neck: Russian and Chinese Official Gold Reserves

Neck and Neck: Russian and Chinese Official Gold Reserves

Submitted by Ronan Manly,

Official gold reserve updates from the Russian and Chinese central banks are probably one of the more closely watched metrics in the gold world. After the US, Germany, Italy and France, the sovereign gold holdings of China and Russia are the world’s 5th and 6th largest. And with the gold reserves ‘official figures’ of the US, Germany, Italy and France being essentially static, the only numbers worth watching are those of China and Russia.

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

In 2010, shortly after Hillary Clinton assumed her position as Secretary of State in the Obama administration, the FBI broke up a deep-cover Russian spy ring that had been operating in the U.S. for decades.  The operation, code named "Ghost Stories," was a huge bust for the FBI that handed the U.S.
