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Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?"

Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The answer to the question in the title of this article is that Russiagate was created by CIA director John Brennan.

The CIA started what is called Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from being able to normalize relations with Russia.

The CIA and the military/security complex need an enemy in order to justify their huge budgets and unaccountable power. Russia has been assigned that role.

De-Dollarization & Disintermediation - Russian Mobile Phone Operator Issues First Blockchain-Backed Bond

De-Dollarization & Disintermediation - Russian Mobile Phone Operator Issues First Blockchain-Backed Bond

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, & Guns blog,

For months now Russia has been moving into the blockchain space in a serious way. I’ve talked about these moves in previous articles (here, here and yes, even here)

Image Source: CoinTelegraph

But, the latest news is one that should have every one stand up and take notice.

Senate Intel Committee Says Investigation Hasn't Determined Whether Russians Supported Trump Or Clinton

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and Vice Chairman Mark Warner told reporters on Wednesday that, after conducting more than 100 interviews and reviewing 100,000 pages of documents, it has yet to come to a finding in its probe into whether Russia meddled in the US election to benefit one candidate over the other.
