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Bloomberg: "Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East"

Bloomberg: "Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East"

With the Trump administration lately focused mostly on domestic policy - even as Mueller's ongoing Russian probe continues to hang over Trump's head - US power and influence in the Middle East has found itself in retreat, a continuation of unsuccessful and/or failed policies implemented by the Obama administration, resulting in a power vacuum that has to be filled, and one country has emerged willing to take America's spot.

Exposing The Slimy Business Of 'Russia-Gate' (What The Mainstream Media Doesn't Want You To Know)

Exposing The Slimy Business Of 'Russia-Gate' (What The Mainstream Media Doesn't Want You To Know)

Authored by Robert Parry via,

As the U.S. government doles out tens of millions of dollars to 'combat Russian propaganda', one result is a slew of new 'studies' by 'scholars' and 'researchers' auditioning for the loot...

The “Field of Dreams” slogan for America’s NGOs should be: “If you pay for it, we will come.”

"Tit-For-Tat": Russia Accuses CNN Of "Violating Russian Media Law"

"Tit-For-Tat": Russia Accuses CNN Of "Violating Russian Media Law"

The "Russian collusion" crusade took a bizarre turn yesterday when Twitter, apparently in the absence of any tangible evidence that Kremlin spies exploited the social media service to undermine the 2016 election, decided to publicly disclose the exact amount of advertising revenue it received from Russia Today during 2016. It's unclear what that disclosure was intended to accomplish since even Twitter says the ads were directed at "followers of mainstream media and primarily promoted RT Tweets regarding news stories" which hardly seems like an attempt to stage a coup.
