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Hundreds Of Tanks And Howitzers From The United States Arrive In Poland

Hundreds Of Tanks And Howitzers From The United States Arrive In Poland

One day before Russia kicked off its "Zapad 2017" military exercise, dubbed the "biggest display of Russian military power since the end of the Cold War", on September 13 American military equipment arrived in the port of Gdansk, Radio Poland reports, where more than a thousand pieces of American military equipment from the Second Anti-tank Brigade Combat Team were unloaded at the port, including Abrams tanks, Bradley combat vehicles, Paladin howitzers and other combat equipment.

Russia Kicks Off "Biggest Display Of Military Power Since The Cold War"

Russia Kicks Off "Biggest Display Of Military Power Since The Cold War"

Today, Moscow kicked off its controversial, week-long "Zapad-2017" drill, the latest iteration of a series of training maneuvers that began under the Soviet Union in the 1970s, and which has angered and put NATO and Baltic States leaders on edge. Land, sea and air units will be taking part in war games until the 21st of September across a huge area encompassing western Russia, Belarus, the Baltic Sea and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.
