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Russia Urges Washington To "Come To Their Senses" Over Consulate, Denounces "Blunt Act Of Hostility"

Russia Urges Washington To "Come To Their Senses" Over Consulate, Denounces "Blunt Act Of Hostility"

Already furious over Washington's "unprecedented aggressive action," at the Russian consulate in San Francisco, Moscow has responded with an official statement calling the "occupation" of diplomatic properties in the US a "blunt act of hostility."

As a reminder, Russian diplomats were denied access to the trade mission building despite it being owned by Russia and protected by diplomatic immunity. 

Will special counsel Mueller examine the DNC server, source of the great Russiagate caper?

Former federal prosecutor George Parry read the report by the association of Veteran Intelligence Professionals. which conclusively proves that there was no hacking of the DNC computer and that the information was downloaded from within the DNC and then used to orchestrate a fake Russian hacking of the election. Parry explains how it was done and the implications.

Philadelphia Inquirer
August 29, 2017

Will special counsel Mueller examine the DNC server, source of the great Russiagate caper?

By George Parry

Palladium Suddenly Spikes To 16-Year Highs

Palladium Suddenly Spikes To 16-Year Highs

Amid hope for reinvigorated auto production (after Hurricane Harvey's destruction) and yesterday's escalation in US-Russia tensions (Russia being the world's largest producer), spot Palladium is spiking today, hitting its highest since record highs in January 2001.

While the entire gamut of industrial and precious metals have been rising recently (the latter on the back of Chinese demand hype), Palladium prices exploded today out of nowhere (biggest jump in 7 months).


Pushing the precious metal to its highest in 16 years...


Russia Responds: "The US Has Declared The Hot Phase Of Diplomatic War"

Russia Responds: "The US Has Declared The Hot Phase Of Diplomatic War"

Just minutes after Russia was given 2 days to implement today's decision by the State Department, shuttering Russia’s consulate in San Francisco, California and two diplomatic annexes in Washington, DC and New York City, in "the spirit of parity invoked by the Russians", the Russian responses started coming in, and they were not happy. 

Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was first on the tape, saying he  “expressed regret about the escalation of tensions in bilateral ties”, noting "it wasn’t Russia that started the escalation."
