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Trump Lawyer: Trump Has Sent Private Messages "Back And Forth" With Special Counsel Mueller

Trump Lawyer: Trump Has Sent Private Messages "Back And Forth" With Special Counsel Mueller

It seems that the USA Today has just dropped the official Trump-Russia collusion bombshell of the day after reporting that, according to Trump's Chief Counsel John Dowd, Trump and Special Counsel Mueller apparently exchange "messages back and forth" on the reg.

"He appreciates what Bob Mueller is doing,'' Trump's chief counsel John Dowd told USA TODAY in an interview Tuesday. "He asked me to share that with him and that's what I've done.''


"It's Barack Obama Marries Dick Cheney" All In One Think Tank

"It's Barack Obama Marries Dick Cheney" All In One Think Tank

In Russia Sanctions And The Coming Crackdown On Americans we exposed a new project called "Hamilton 68" which claims to monitor 600 twitter accounts in real time, looking for what its creators consider to be overt, covert, as well as "second tier" Russian propaganda. The list of suspected "pro-Russian" twitter accounts is not provided, nor is any rationale given for how an account gets put on the list.
