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Indonesia Will Barter Coffee, Tea And Palm Oil For Russian Fighter Jets

On Monday Russia warned that it would begin aggressively reducing its dependence on the US Dollar and US-based payment systems, and shortly after it confirmed just that when Indonesia announced that it will barter coffee, palm oil, tea and various other commodities in exchange for 11 Russian-made Su-35 fighter jets, calling U.S. and European sanctions against Russia "an opportunity to boost the Southeast Asian nation's trade."

Imperial Folly Brings Russia And Germany Together

Imperial Folly Brings Russia And Germany Together

Authored by Pepe Escobar via,

The Empire of Whiners simply can't get enough when it comes to huff, puff and pout as the Empire of Sanctions.

With an Orwellian 99% majority that would delight the Kim dynasty in North Korea, the "representative democracy" Capitol Hill has bulldozed its latest House/Senate sanctions package, aimed mostly at Russia, but also targeting Iran and North Korea.

Tillerson, Lavrov Discuss What's Next For US-Russia Relations In First Post-Sanctions Meeting

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held their first meeting since Donald Trump signed into law new sanctions against Moscow which Russia said amounted to a full-scale trade war and ended hopes for better ties, sending relations between the two nations back to their lows, hit during the Obama administration.

How Russia Could Strike Back Against US Sanctions In 4 Simple Maps

How Russia Could Strike Back Against US Sanctions In 4 Simple Maps

Authored by George Friedman, Xander Snyder, and Ekaterina Zolotova via,

The US Congress has passed new sanctions targeting Russia’s energy companies. Among the other notable aspects of the sanctions is that they take some authority away from the US president (who used to be able to implement some measures but not others at his discretion) and give it to Congress.
