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The Reign of Propaganda

The Reign of Propaganda

Paul Craig Roberts

If truth has a chance it is in a different country than America.

Masters of propaganda from its inventor, Jewish public relations expert Edward Louis James Bernays, to the Nazi Minister of Propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels, agree that a lie can be turned into truth by constant repetition.

Dollar Tumbles, Stocks Slammed As Mueller Expands Probe Into Trump Business Transactions

Dollar Tumbles, Stocks Slammed As Mueller Expands Probe Into Trump Business Transactions

It was quiet, too quiet. Markets were comfortably drifting ever higher (10th day up in a row for Nasdaq) and then headlines hit on Bloomberg reporting that special counsel Robert Mueller wil be probing Trump's business transactions and will extend his investigation to examining the dealings of Kushner and Manafort.

Seismic Shift In Syria: Trump Ends Covert Obama-era CIA Program Which Sent Arms To Jihadists

Seismic Shift In Syria: Trump Ends Covert Obama-era CIA Program Which Sent Arms To Jihadists

In what may be one of the most significant foreign policy decisions of his first year in office, Trump is shutting down the CIA's covert program to arm rebels fighting the Syrian government. This would constitute a monumental shift in terms of US priorities in Syria which throughout most of the 6-year long war have focused on removing Bashar al-Assad. The Washington Post reports:
