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Saudi Arabia

Is ISIS Simply A "Saudi Army In Disguise"?

Authored by F. William Engdahl via New Eastern Outlook,

In recent weeks one nation after another is falling over themselves, literally, to join the turkey shoot known, erroneously, as the war in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State or Daesh. The most wanted but most feared question is where will this war frenzy lead, and how can it be stopped short of dragging the entire planet into a world war of destruction?

The West’s Alliance With Saudi Arabia Fuels Islamism

By Toby Matthiesen is a senior research fellow in the international relations of the Middle East at St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford. He is the author of "Sectarian Gulf: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab Spring That Wasn’t" and "The Other Saudis: Shiism, Dissent and Sectarianism." Originally posted on the NYT.

The West’s Alliance With Saudi Arabia Fuels Islamism

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack is Directly Linked to Saudi Arabia

This article details the links between Saudi Arabia and the San Bernadino shooting rampage. In order to understand Tashfeen Malik, and the reasons that a young woman would abandon her infant child, you must understand Saudi Arabia and the upbringing she had there, which is institutionalized Radical Islam. The King of Saudi Arabia is directly responsible for the radicalization of Tashfeen Malik.
