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Despite Opposition, Scotland Announces Fracking Ban - Calls For US To Do The Same

Despite Opposition, Scotland Announces Fracking Ban - Calls For US To Do The Same

Authored by Julia Conley via,

“We have so much wind and wave power that it is retrograde in the extreme to lend any support to the fracking industry.”

Environmental groups from around the world applauded Scotland on Tuesday for its decision to ban fracking, following an overwhelming public outcry against the practice - and called for the United States and the rest of the United Kingdom to follow suit.

Let Catalonia Decide

Let Catalonia Decide

The Independent reports Spanish police storm Catalan government buildings to stop independence referendum.

As MishTalk's Mike Shedlock details, the Catalan president described the raids as a “co-ordinated police assault” and a “de facto state of emergency”.

Spanish national police have stormed ministries and buildings belonging to Catalonia’s regional government to put a stop to the region’s independence referendum.


How Do You Like Your Brexit In The Morning - Hard, Soft, Smooth, 'English', Or Late?

How Do You Like Your Brexit In The Morning - Hard, Soft, Smooth, 'English', Or Late?

British Prime Minister (for now) Theresa May is desperately cobbling together a deal today with a small Northem Irish political party that she needs to stay in power after a disastrous election that destroyed her authority days before Brexit talks are due to start.

So how did we get here? Hedge Fund CIO Eric Peters succinctly sums up the state of play...

Global Stocks, S&P Futures Little Changed On Brexit Day

Global Stocks, S&P Futures Little Changed On Brexit Day

Brexit day has finally arrived, and despite this major "risk event", European and Asian stocks are trading mixed, while S&P futures are just fractionally lower as a bounce on optimism over the American economy appears to have fizzled and President Trump continues to struggle to pass his legislative agenda. The pound first dipped then rose as the U.K. is set to begin its life outside the EU. 

U.K. Parliament Gives Theresa May Approval To Start Brexit

U.K. Parliament Gives Theresa May Approval To Start Brexit

Moments ago, UK Parliament passed legislation giving prime minister Theresa May approval to start the Brexit process and allowing the government to invoke Article 50, with the House of Commons overturning amendments from the unelected House of Lords that sought to limit May’s room for maneuver.  While press reports earlier said May could trigger Article 50 as early as Thursday, subsequent reports from Bloomberg suggested that she will commence Brexit in the last week of March.
