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New York Times Says Sex was Better for Communists

Via The Daily Bell

Don’t you know that to be a liberated woman, you need to have the sex life of a chimpanzee?

That’s the latest propaganda to come out of the New York Times.

The Soviet Union may have had its pitfalls–you know, like the murder and starvation of tens of millions of people. But women had great sex lives!

A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women…

Justin Trudeau To Refugees: There's "No Advantage" To Entering Canada Illegally

Justin Trudeau To Refugees: There's "No Advantage" To Entering Canada Illegally

Eight months.

That’s how long it took for Canadian Prime Minister and liberal hero Justin Trudeau to realize his promise to welcome all immigrants and refugees to Canada may have been a little short-sighted. After the prime minister proudly proclaimed on Twitter back in January that Canada would welcome all those fleeing “persecution and war,” the prime minister changed his tone this week when he warned refugees crossing into Canada from the US that sneaking into the country illegally wouldn't fast-track the process of granting asylum.

Al Sharpton Is Shocked At The "Poisonous Atmosphere" In America "Being Stoked By The President"

Al Sharpton Is Shocked At The "Poisonous Atmosphere" In America "Being Stoked By The President"

Al Sharpton, who’s built his career on stoking racial tensions for personal and financial gain, accused President Donald Trump of inciting a “poisonous atmosphere” in the US.

“We’re in a poisonous atmosphere that is being increased by the president of the United States. It’s like turning on the gas in a room.”   


“Any match could lead to an explosion, and we’re getting that kind of atmosphere from this president.”

"The Perfect Storm Is Brewing": Goldman Warns Italy Has The Lowest Capacity To Absorb Migrants

"The Perfect Storm Is Brewing": Goldman Warns Italy Has The Lowest Capacity To Absorb Migrants

While Europe's economy and capital markets have been spared any major shocks in the past year, and in fact European GDP has been on a surprisingly resilient uptrend in recent quarters led higher by the relentless German export-growth dynamo (courtesy of the very, very low Deutsche Mark and a lot of broke Greeks), an old and recurring problem has re-emerged, one which threatens the stability and cohesion of the European Union itself: the latest surge of refugees which, arriving mostly from North Africa in recent months, has made Italy its primary landfall target resulting in a surge in migra
