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Social Issues

Hot Dog Boy and the Alt Right Light of Day

Alt Right, that amalgam of racists made up of Neo Nazis, Klansmen, white supremacists, assorted Crackers, and ‘fashy’ coiffed metrosexuals, took their Tiki Tour 1939 to Charlottesville in the hope of gaining a greater footprint in society and widen the base of folks able to hear their ‘message’. They got what they wanted, sort of. By the way, the Alt Right PC term for racist is ‘Identitarian’. How sweet!

Tucker Carlson Obliterates Bill Kristol, Says He's 'Glued to Social Media Like a Slot Machine Junkie in Reno.'

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Last night Bill Kristol called out Tucker Carlson for discussing the very real issue of removing monuments of all American forefathers who once owned slaves, saying that Tucker was attempting to rationalize slavery and then later suggested he'd rationalize anti-semitism.

Study Finds Higher Min. Wages Bring Crushing Job Losses For Female And Minority Workers

Study Finds Higher Min. Wages Bring Crushing Job Losses For Female And Minority Workers

Anyone who has a basic understanding of elementary-level arithmetic and some common sense can easily explain why raising the minimum wage is bad for employment levels.  In a nutshell, higher labor costs simply improve the payback profile of capital investments in technology thus accelerating job losses.

Gov. Cuomo Wants To Remove Names Of Confederate Generals From New York Streets

Gov. Cuomo Wants To Remove Names Of Confederate Generals From New York Streets

As a tidal wave of cultural revisionism sweeps America in the aftermath of this weekend's tragic Charlottesville clashes, prompting governors to tear down Confederate statues across the country, the governor of New York has a different idea and if Gov. Andrew Cuomo gets his way, the names of the two Confederate generals - Gen. Robert E. Lee and Gen. Stonewall Jackson - will be removed from streets on an Army base in New York City, according to the NY Daily News.
