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Social Issues

Alt Right Activists Are Being Outed on Twitter and Fired From Their Jobs

Alt Right Activists Are Being Outed on Twitter and Fired From Their Jobs

Content originally published at


After the 'alt-right' (what the fuck does that mean anyway?) took to the streets, without masks, to defend confederate monuments and profess 'white pride', libshits on Twitter have been busy doxing them, which is internet jargon for outing them. The purpose of outing them, naturally, is to hope the so called 'racist' person will lose his job and his racist wife and kids could starve and die.

The circle of hate continues.

Social Security Requires A Bailout That's 60x Greater Than The 2008 Emergency Bank Handout

Social Security Requires A Bailout That's 60x Greater Than The 2008 Emergency Bank Handout

Authored by Simon Black via,

A few weeks ago the Board of Trustees of Social Security sent a formal letter to the United States Senate and House of Representatives to issue a dire warning: Social Security is running out of money.

Given that tens of millions of Americans depend on this public pension program as their sole source of retirement income, you’d think this would have been front page news…
