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Spanish Sunbathers Shocked As Raft Full Of Migrants Paddle Up And Run Ashore

Spanish Sunbathers Shocked As Raft Full Of Migrants Paddle Up And Run Ashore

Families at a popular Spanish beach were shocked yesterday when an inflatable raft carrying dozens of migrants from Northern Africa suddenly washed ashore.  As can be seen in the following onlooker's video, the migrants fled the boat before it reached dry land and ran inland in an effort to evade authorities.

According to the Daily Mail, the migrants arrived in Cadiz in Southern Spain and managed to disperse before being captured by police.

Study Warns Of Binge-Drinking "Crisis" As Alcoholism Rates Spike 49%

Study Warns Of Binge-Drinking "Crisis" As Alcoholism Rates Spike 49%

The opioid epidemic isn’t the only public-health crisis plaguing the US.

Americans are hitting the bottle harder than ever, according to a new study published by JAMA Psychiatry, posing new challenges for the US’s strained health-care system as local hospitals and first responders struggle with the spike in substance-abuse related maladies, including overdoses and alcohol poisoning that warrant urgent care.
