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Confirmed: NFL Fans Tuned Out Last Year Because Players Protested The National Anthem

Confirmed: NFL Fans Tuned Out Last Year Because Players Protested The National Anthem

Authored by Kati Pavlich via,

The NFL took a massive ratings dive last year after a number of players, led by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, refused to stand for the National Anthem. At the time, NFL officials claimed they didn't exactly know why ratings were down and even used the 2016 presidential election as an excuse for why more people weren't watching. 

As Opioid Crisis Rages, Federal Drug Prosecutions Hit 25-Year Low

As Opioid Crisis Rages, Federal Drug Prosecutions Hit 25-Year Low

Members of the legal marijuana industry, who for months have been nervously anticipating a federal crackdown led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, can breathe a sigh of relief. According to data from the Justice Department, the number of federal drug-crime prosecutions has fallen to its lowest level in 25 years, and the decline has continued to accelerate since President Donald Trump took office.
