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Michigan Faculty And Lawmakers Urge Reprieve Of Student In "Imminent" Saudi Execution

Michigan Faculty And Lawmakers Urge Reprieve Of Student In "Imminent" Saudi Execution

Amnesty International is warning that 14 young men are facing "imminent execution" for protest-related crimes in Saudi Arabia, including Mujtaba al-Sweikat, who was arrested in 2012 at the age of 17 while boarding a plane to attend an American university, as a well as a partially blind and deaf man who was reportedly tortured into giving a false confession. The men have already been moved to Riyadh, the site the Islamic kingdom's Deera Square (commonly called "Chop Chop Square").

15 Million Americans Would Opt-Out Of Obamacare.. If They Could

Authored by Scott Rasmussen via,

If the individual mandate were to be repealed and Americans were no longer required to purchase the Obamacare-mandated levels of health insurance coverage, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) believes that 15 million Americans would no longer purchase such coverage.

Some, including Jonathan Gruber, believe that the CBO is overestimating the impact of repealing the mandate. Gruber was one of the architects of the healthcare law.

BAT Is Dead: Republicans Kill Border Adjustment Tax

BAT Is Dead: Republicans Kill Border Adjustment Tax

The Trump fiscal agenda - which these days really means tax reform - may be dead, but that does not mean it can't reemerge as a zombie every now and then. That's precisely what happened moments ago when Paul Ryan just announced that after months of speculation whether border adjustment tax will or won't be implemented to help offset Trump's proposed tax cuts, it is now officially dead.


As Reuters adds:

Senate GOP Leader Says "Skinny" Obamacare Repeal Has "Best Chance At Getting Us To Conference"

Right on schedule, President Donald Trump is out with his latest tweet urging Republicans to pass health-care reform: "Come on Republican Senators, you can do it on Healthcare. After 7 years, this is your chance to shine! Don't let the American people down!"
