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Drunken Shia LaBeouf Tells Black Cop He's Going Straight to Hell - "Especially" Because He's Black

Drunken Shia LaBeouf Tells Black Cop He's Going Straight to Hell - "Especially" Because He's Black

Content originally published at

Shia LaBeouf, who apparently slips into a full wigger accent when drunk, brought out his inner racist after his arrest in Savannah, GA over the weekend - telling a black cop that he's going "straight to hell... especially because you're black."

The Tragedy Of The Commons In The American Prison System

Authored by Chris Calton via The Mises Institute,

In a previous article, I wrote about how the war on drugs and the government monopoly on the legal system has created the Tragedy of the Commons in our justice system. Because legislators and police officers have every incentive to appear “tough on crime” but the cost of the sending a criminal to a courtroom is socialized, the courts have become increasingly backlogged. What that article did not cover is the related “commons problem” in the prison system and the consequences that follow.

5 Charts That Explain Just How Screwed Your State Is

5 Charts That Explain Just How Screwed Your State Is

We've spent a lot of time of late discussing the precarious financial positions of states like Illinois, Connecticut and New Jersey which each suffer from their own myriad of financial threats including massive budget deficits, monstrous unfunded pension liabilities, pending debt downgrades, etc.  In case you've missed those notes, here is a recap for your amusement:

'Generation Z' Are Nothing Like Millennials, Professor Warns Liberals

Authored by Dan Jackson via,

A political science professor in Pennsylvania says Democrats need to worry, because the generation replacing their millennial allies on college campuses has a distinct libertarian streak.

Jeff Brauer, a professor at Keystone College, has been gathering data on “Generation Z,” and recently told The New York Post that he expects the rising generation of college students to differ markedly from those currently dominating campus culture.

Death Of The Middle Class: The Suburbs Have Absorbed Half Of America's Poverty Growth

Death Of The Middle Class: The Suburbs Have Absorbed Half Of America's Poverty Growth

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

For decades suburbia was home to the highest concentration of wealth in America, and perhaps even the entire world. It was the seat of our nation’s thriving middle class and a beacon of economic mobility. The streets were clean and safe, the schools were highly regarded, and there were plenty of middle class jobs to be had.
