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Social Issues

Doug Casey On The Opioid Crisis

Doug Casey On The Opioid Crisis


“Enjoy looking over your shoulder, constantly wondering if today’s the day we come for you. Enjoy trying to sleep tonight, wondering if tonight’s the night our SWAT team blows your front door off the hinges. We are coming for you.”

This sounds like something from an ‘80s action movie. But that’s an actual quote from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office in Tavares, Florida.

Sessions Attacks Obama "Legacy": Rolls Back Relaxed Sentencing Guidelines For Drug Dealers

Sessions Attacks Obama "Legacy": Rolls Back Relaxed Sentencing Guidelines For Drug Dealers

After 8 years of the Obama administration relaxing sentencing guidelines for drug dealers, you know because it's just racist to jail drug dealers moving cocaine by the kilo, and releasing hundreds of hardened criminals from federal prisons around the country, Jeff Sessions has taken it upon himself to undo yet another component of Obama's "legacy."

The Map They Don't Want You To See: Nations With The Most Refugees Have The Most Terror Attacks

The Map They Don't Want You To See: Nations With The Most Refugees Have The Most Terror Attacks

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

The globalists who run the governments and the media outlets in Europe will never admit the truth about the refugee crisis. They’ll never admit that there is a direct link between opening their nation’s borders to people from chaotic war-torn nations, and horrific terrorist attacks. They’re constantly reassuring their citizens that they have nothing to worry about from refugees who come from terror prone regions, and to suggest otherwise is racist and Islamophobic.

'Resist 45' Activist Gets $45,000 Taxpayer Grant To Study 'Transgender Health'

'Resist 45' Activist Gets $45,000 Taxpayer Grant To Study 'Transgender Health'

The National Institute of Health (NIH), in its infinite wisdom, has just awarded nearly $45,000 to a post-doctoral student at Duke University, and unabashed "Resist 45" activist, for the specific purpose of studying 'transgender health.'  According to the NIH website, the project got underway on May 1st and is expected to continue through August which point we're almost certain more taxpayer money will be thrown at worthy follow-up projects.

