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Social Issues

Inspiring Kids Defying School Mask Mandates

These kids are alright. Thinking for themselves and defying absurd and harmful rules, students across America have been challenging school mask mandates. They have protested, walked out, or just refused to comply — daring to leave their faces uncovered on school property.In many instances, the students’ defiance of school mask mandates has been met with harsh repercussions. Resisting and speaking out against bullies often does have that result.

Vitamin D versus Coronavirus; Ron Paul versus Government ‘Public Health Experts’

Early on in the coronavirus panic, government “public health experts” were advising people to stay in their homes and governments were even imposing lockdowns. In contrast, Ron Paul was saying that people’s health would be better served by their being active out in the fresh air and sunshine. Among the primary reasons Paul presented regularly at the Ron Paul Liberty Report for this counter opinion was his belief that sun exposure building people’s vitamin D levels would help them fend off danger from coronavirus as well as other health threats.

Does Anyone Know if There Is an Explanation for the Absence of Obituaries for the Alleged Parkland School Shooting Victims?

Does Anyone Know if There Is an Explanation for the Absence of Obituaries for the Alleged Parkland School Shooting Victims?

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