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Demographic Panic: China Considering 'Birth Rewards' to Encourage Citizens to Have More Babies

Demographic Panic: China Considering 'Birth Rewards' to Encourage Citizens to Have More Babies

This will be the biggest challenge for developed nations over the next hundred years: depopulation.

Expect strange things to happen in the western world and developed nations in Asia over the next fifty years --  marked by unusual foreign policy moves --  and a craven, almost desperate clamoring for middle eastern, south american and african migrants to replace their withering and decadent societies.


Credit expansion, or at a minimum, stasis.

Maine Drops 9,000 From Food Stamps After Refusal To Comply With Work Requirements

Maine Drops 9,000 From Food Stamps After Refusal To Comply With Work Requirements

Republican Governor Paul LePage dared to begin enforcing Maine's volunteer and work requirements for food stamp (SNAP) recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.


As CNS News' Eric Schiener reports, a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) spokesman tells the Associated Press that 12,000 non-disabled adults were in Maine’s SNAP program before Jan. 1 - a number that dropped to 2,680 by the end of March...

America's Border Patrol Budget: Spot The Obama Difference

America's Border Patrol Budget: Spot The Obama Difference

President Trump's crackdown in illegal immigration means more wall-building, more ICE agents, and a notably bigger budget for the border patrol program. As the following chart shows, that would be an extreme departure from the stagnant spending on our nation's borders by President Obama.

As Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, the overall enacted budget for the U.S. Border Patrol program has risen steadily since the 1990s... until 2011 - when President Obama appeared to kill any further spending...

You will find more statistics at Statista

Survey: 66 Percent Of Germans Fear Terrorist Attack

A study reveals that two thirds of Germans are afraid they will become the victim of a terrorist attack, and one in ten perceive an “acute threat” to their safety. A law report published by the German legal expenses insurance group ROLAND, using polling from 1458 German citizens over the age of 16, suggests that fear is more widespread among women. Breibart reports:terrorist attack Of the female respondents, 74 per cent said they sometimes feel unsafe in crowded places, and nine per cent felt permanently threatened and scared.

"It Was A Pretty Disturbing Briefing”: Why State Governors Suddenly Got Cold Feet About Obamacare Repeal

"It Was A Pretty Disturbing Briefing”: Why State Governors Suddenly Got Cold Feet About Obamacare Repeal

Several days after Goldman Sachs explained in theory why hopes for a quick "repeal and replace" of Obamacare are now extinguished, and even "repair and rename" is looking bad, overnight state governors meeting in Washington got the bad news in practice, when a presentation from Avalere Health and McKinsey warned that the policies proposed by Republican congressional leaders to repeal and replace Obama's signature healthcare law would lead millions of people to lose their health coverage, while states lose billions in Federal funding.
