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"Privacy Experts" Blast John Kelly Proposal For Immigrants To Turn Over Social Media Passwords

"Privacy Experts" Blast John Kelly Proposal For Immigrants To Turn Over Social Media Passwords

During the 2016 campaigning cycle, then presidential candidate Trump coined the term "extreme vetting" to suggest that additional measures should be taken to vet refugees and immigrants coming from volatile areas of the world that have a history of harboring and funding terrorist organizations.  Not surprisingly, the liberal media latched onto the term and exploited it to paint Trump as an unhinged candidate that would undoubtedly look to waterboard every British citizen making a 2-day business trip across the pond.

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

A Florida computer lab teacher, Veronica Fleming, at the predominately Latino Parkside Elementary School in Naples, Florida, had her job "reassigned" after she made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump's immigration policies over Facebook.  Apparently irked by all the "Day Without Immigrants" protests around the country (see "'Without Us, Your Country Is Paralyzed' - Undocumented Workers Plan Boycott 'Day Without Immigrants'"), Fleming wrote a post on her Facebook account that she was "so glad to hear about massive deportation."

Viewing the Media's Racism Through a Different Filter

Viewing the Media's Racism Through a Different Filter

Pandering to demographic shifts, the democratic party has made the white male persona non grata in America. In fact, through their media shills, they've made him, and all white people for that matter, the horrible target for overt and hateful racism. This brand of putrid behavior should never be acceptable by civilized people. It wasn't right when white people were doing it to blacks in the past and it's not right for white people to be doing it to white people now.

Media Blackout: ‘Paris On Brink Of Civil War’ Warns Le Pen

Marine Le Pen has warned that Paris is on the brink of a total civil war, as media outlets across Europe refuse to report on the situation.  Paris has been under martial law for around 2 years with riots, rape and murder filling the suburban streets. With French police routinely fleeing from armed rioters, Marine Le Pen has urged President Hollande to address the growing concern that Paris is about to fall into complete civil war as rioters close in on the city center.
