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White House Denies 100,000 Troops Are To Round Up Illegal Immigrants

The White House has said that reports claiming Donald Trump is considering using 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants in 11 states are “100% false”. The Associated Press reported that the Trump administration was considering mobilizing the National Guard to round up immigrants living in the US illegally. According to a draft memo obtained by AP, millions of unauthorised citizens could be affected by the plan who live nowhere near the Mexican border.

Women's March Promotes "A Day Without A Woman" General Strike: Platform Is Fiscal Insanity

Women's March Promotes "A Day Without A Woman" General Strike: Platform Is Fiscal Insanity

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

The Women’s March organizers are back at it. They now promote a general strike on the sexist theme of “A Day Without a Woman“.

A quick perusal of Women’s March tweets shows a cornucopia of thoughts and retweets by the organization on blacks, gays, transgenders, the EPA, Standing Rock, planned parenthood, living wages, mass immigration, and of course Donald Trump.

Here Is The "Leaked" Memo Directing The National Guard To Arrest Illegal Immigrants

After the latest scuffle between the media and the Trump Administration over a memo drafted by Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly, which allegedly called for as much as 100,000 national guard troops to be deployed to arrest illegal immigrants, moments ago the AP released the leaked memo titled "Implementing the President's Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements Policies", to the general public.

BLM Leader Claims White People Are Subhuman

A BLM leader has claimed that white people are “recessive genetic defects,” sub-human and should be wiped out The Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali also claimed that black people have a “superior gene pool.” Leftists can’t seem to bring themselves to admit the truth about the Black Lives Matter movement. From The Daily Sheeple: They’re adamant that BLM is fighting to liberate African-Americans from racism and government oppression. However, anyone with open eyes can see that isn’t true, and that BLM is really more of a racist, black supremacist movement.

White House Blasts "False" AP Report That 100,000 Troops Will Round Up Illegal Aliens

AP reported that according to a draft 11-page memo, the Trump administration is considering mobilizing as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants. However, the White House quickly slammed the agency’s report is “false."  In yet another leak-counterleak example of "spot the fake news" , moments after the AP report hit, the White House denied everything
