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How Will Tax Reform Affect You: Find Out With This Interactive Website

How Will Tax Reform Affect You: Find Out With This Interactive Website

Will you be paying US taxes in 2018? If so, this interactive model created by JPM is for you.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which was signed into law by Donald Trump this week, is projected to reduce individual tax payments by over $1 trillion over the next 10 years, more than triple the tax cut impact on businesses and corporations.

However, the impact on individual taxpayers will differ, and depends on their income and deduction characteristics.

Bombshell Report Reveals Up To 30% Of Federal Inmates Are Illegal Immigrants

Bombshell Report Reveals Up To 30% Of Federal Inmates Are Illegal Immigrants

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released its findings on the immigration status of federal prison inmates, as mandated in a controversial Executive Order signed during the President Trump's first week in the White House.  The report reveals that of the 37,557 confirmed immigrants in the federal prison system, 35,334 (94%) of them are in the United States illegally - which means out of a total of 185,507, federally incarcerated individuals, over 19% are confirmed illegal immigrants - which, in 2014, cost U.S.

Coinbase "Temporarily Disables" Buying And Selling Of Cryptocurrencies Due To High Traffic

Coinbase "Temporarily Disables" Buying And Selling Of Cryptocurrencies Due To High Traffic

Following today's crypto-rout which saw bitcoin plunge as low as $10,000, down over 30% on the day, and nearly 50% from its Sunday high of just below $20,000, the HODLers and no longer HODLing and instead are rushing to get out. So, in taking a page from the futures markets, the largest US crypto-exchange, Coinbase, said on Friday that buying and selling was temporarily disabled due to high traffic.

Who Is Getting Screwed The Hardest?

Who Is Getting Screwed The Hardest?

A very interesting chart has crossed our feed this morning via Teddy Vallee, a consumer analyst, who we pay attention to on occasion...

The first half of the chart shows the bottom 50% of Western European’s national income, which has stayed relatively the same for the past 30-years.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the bottom 50% of Americans have been royally screwed of the course of 30-years.

3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

With the passage of the Tax Cut And Jobs Act on Wednesday, I wanted to address a few of the questions and misinformation currently circulating about the impact of tax cuts on the U.S. economy.

Over the last couple of months, I have been repeatedly asked why I am not “enthusiastic” about the “greatest tax reform” since the Reagan era.
