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Another Liberal Governor Demands His State's Pension Abandon Fiduciary Duties, Sell Fossil-Fuel Investments

Another Liberal Governor Demands His State's Pension Abandon Fiduciary Duties, Sell Fossil-Fuel Investments

As if public pension managers around the country weren't having enough difficulty digging themselves out of their massive $3-$5 trillion funding gap, the chorus of liberal governors suggesting they should recklessly abandon their fiduciary obligations to future retirees and choose investments not on their financial merits but rather based on the political preferences of clueless politicians is growing stronger by the day.  As Pensions & Investments points out today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is the latest such politician to jump on the bandwagon after suggesting that the New York S

Did The Bushes Try To Hide Their Connection To The Second Mile?

Did The Bushes Try To Hide Their Connection To The Second Mile?

Via Disobedient Media

On December 4th, 2017, Disobedient Media published testimony and research outlining a massive, well connected human trafficking and child pornography network located in various locations along the U.S. East Coast. The list of individuals connected to this wider network allegedly included disgraced former football coach, Jerry Sandusky.

New Austrian Gov't Promises "Sanctions" Against Migrants Who Don't Integrate

New Austrian Gov't Promises "Sanctions" Against Migrants Who Don't Integrate

Authored by Jacob Boejesson via The Daily Caller,

Austria’s incoming conservative government is taking a hard line on immigration by promising “sanctions” against those “refusing to integrate.”

Sebastian Kurz, 31, is set to become the world’s youngest leader after winning the parliamentary election in October with his People’s Party. Kurz will serve as chancellor with support from the populist Freedom Party.

Illinois Lost 1 Resident Every 4.3 Minutes In 2017, Dropped To 6th Most Populous State

Illinois Lost 1 Resident Every 4.3 Minutes In 2017, Dropped To 6th Most Populous State

Illinois is drowning under a mountain of debt, unpaid bills and underfunded pension liabilities and it's largest city, Chicago, is suffering from a staggering outbreak of violent crime not seen since gang wars engulfed major cities from LA to New York in the mid-90's.  Here is just a small taste of some of our posts on Illinois' challenges:

Mexican Man Officially Granted Disabled Status For Having Giant Penis

Mexican Man Officially Granted Disabled Status For Having Giant Penis

A man from northern Mexico has been granted official disabled status because of his 18.9 inch penis believed to be the largest in the world after it was elongated with the use of weights.

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, 54, is now receiving government handouts for his massive schlong, and refuses to have a reduction because he hopes to work in the American porn industry.
