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Social Issues

The Left Is Self-Destructing — Paul Craig Roberts

The Left Is Self-Destructing

Paul Craig Roberts

The mindlessness is unbearable. Amnesty International tells us that we must “fight the Muslim ban” because Trump’s bigotry is wrecking lives. Anthony Dimaggio at CounterPunch says Trump should be impeached because his Islamophobia is a threat to the Constitution. This is not to single out these two as the mindlessness is everywhere among those whose worldview is defined by Identity Politics.

The Justice System Is Criminal — Paul Craig Roberts

The Justice System Is Criminal

Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23, 2017, I asked, “Are Americans Racists?” I pointed out examples where racist explanations prevail over empirical fact. I did not write that there is no racism in America. I said that racism is not the be-all and end-all explanation of American history and institutions. The point I made is that racist explanations are often inadequate and both work against racial harmony and blind us to more general and more serious problems.

Remember The Time Bill Clinton Got A Standing Ovation For "Cracking Down On Illegal Aliens"

Before Trump, there was President Obama's Iraqi refugee ban and seven nations of terror proclamation.

But before Obama there was Bill Clinton who received a standing ovation for demanding stronger border defenses, and deporting criminal illegal immigrants.

"We are a nation of immigrants.. but we are a nation of laws"


"Our nation is rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country...


Is Soros On The Ropes?

Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Although multi-billionaire hedge fund tycoon and international political pot-stirrer George Soros lost big with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and the victory of the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, he stands to lose further ground, politically and financially, as the winds of political change sweep across the globe.
