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Social Issues

Trump: Pedophiles Deserve The Death Penalty

Is Trump preparing to tackle in the rampant pedophilia and child abduction crisis in the United States? The future president tweeted that something has to be done about “missing children grabbed by the perverts” and suggested that a “fast trial” followed by the “death penalty” is the answer. Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2012 According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (citing U.S.

CNBC's John Harwood Blames "White Fear" For Democrat Losses Under Obama

In the months leading up the 2016 election, daily WikiLeaks dumps repeatedly exposed CNBC's John Harwood as nothing more than a pawn of the Hillary Clinton campaign who constantly behaved like a subservient puppy who would stop at nothing to garner his master's love and affection (see our posts on the topic here and here).  And while the embarrassment of being exposed as a complete fraud would be sufficient motivation for most people to actually start performing their jobs with some level of integrity, John Harwood is apparently immune to the side effects of public humiliat

The New Normal 'Safety Net': Surging Disability Benefits Claims

The New Normal 'Safety Net': Surging Disability Benefits Claims

If you’ve paid into Social Security, become injured or sick, and can no longer earn more than $1,130 a month, you can get a monthly subsidy from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund. As Bloomberg notes, in 1990 fewer than 2.5% of working-age Americans were "on the check;" by 2015 the number stood at 5.2%, with geographical "disability belts" appearing across America.

Something changed in 2000...

