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Social Issues

US Probes Foreign Visitors’ Social Media Accounts

The US government has begun asking foreign visitors on the visa waiver program to volunteer links to their social media accounts. It comes in the same week that the Dept. of Homeland Security announced it was going to stop its registry of visitors from predominantly Muslim and Arab countries. reports: Foreign travelers arriving in the United States, participating in the visa waiver program, are being asked by US customs and border guards to volunteer “information associated with your online presence – Provider/Platform – Social media identifier”.

Europe's Future - Merkel Or Le Pen?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

The terrorist who hijacked a truck in Berlin and ran over and killed 12 people, maiming and wounding 48 more, in that massacre in the Christmas market, has done more damage than he could imagine.

If the perpetrator is the jihadist from Tunisia who had no right to be in Germany, and had been under surveillance, the bell could begin to toll not only for Angela Merkel but for the European Union.

Biden: "Elitist" Clinton "Never Really Figured Out Why She Was Running"

Biden:  "Elitist" Clinton "Never Really Figured Out Why She Was Running"

As speculation continues to swirl over whether or not Biden will make a run for the Presidency in 2020, he has maintained a curious presence in the media in recent weeks and recently offered some pretty harsh critiques of the Clinton campaign when he sat down with the Los Angeles Times.  Mimicking comments made by Neera Tanden which were exposed by Wikileaks, Biden suggested that Hillary lost primarily because she never "really figured out why she was running."  Per The Hill: 

Migrant Family Arrests At U.S.-Mexico Border Surge 130% In October And November

Migrant Family Arrests At U.S.-Mexico Border Surge 130% In October And November

As a new Trump administration prepares to enter the White House, after months of promises to crack down on illegal border crossings, new data emerges that seemingly confirms that the citizens in Mexico and Central America have taken him at his word.  As data from the PewResearchCenter confirms, there has been a surge in illegal border crossings in October and November with the apprehension of people traveling as a family unit up 130% YoY. 
