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Why Social Security Is Doomed: "Birthrate At Lowest Level On Record"... And the Future Is Unfunded

Why Social Security Is Doomed: "Birthrate At Lowest Level On Record"... And the Future Is Unfunded

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Here’s more evidence that the “recovery” never really happened, and good reason to think that the entire social safety net structure is doomed to fall apart.

The birthrate, long tied to economic growth, has been dropping to its lowest point in recorded history – both nationally and, in particular, in the state of California.

Artist Responds To Sex Attacks By Letting Public Feel Her Breasts

A Swiss artist and psychologist has responded to the spate of migrant sex attacks in Germany by standing in a town square in Düsseldorf and allowing anybody to feel her breasts. The performance was then repeated in Amsterdam and London, where she allowed people to touch her vagina. When asked to explain why she stood in a public space and encouraged people to touch her private parts, Milo Moiré said her “performance” was intended to “show that women are not only victims.” What is next for the Swiss artist and psychologist?

‘Shocking’ Rise In Homeless Children Across Britain

According to the latest government figures, there has been a “shocking” rise in the number of homeless children living in temporary accommodation across Britain. Data released by the Department for Communities and Local Government shows that the number of homeless children who will spend Christmas in hostels and bed and breakfast has grown by over 10 percent since last year to 124,000.

Children As Young As 4 Part Of UK Football Pedophile Investigations

Children as young as four may have been sexually abused as part of the deepening sexual abuse scandal that has shaken British football, police revealed on Wednesday The historical child sex scandal has hit record proportions with nearly 3,500 people now under investigation over claims of abuse. RT reports: The number of suspects has more than doubled over the last 18 months, with 366 public figures now standing accused of ‘non-recent’ child sex offenses.
