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Social Issues

Mexican Ambassador To U.S. Urges Illegals To Apply For Citizenship Before Trump Takes Office

Mexican Ambassador To U.S. Urges Illegals To Apply For Citizenship Before Trump Takes Office

So what do you do if you're the Mexican Ambassador to the United States and are faced with a crisis whereby millions of your citizens have broken numerous federal laws of your host country by illegally immigrating without going through the proper channels?  Well, you simply offer up creative new ways to "game the system" to avoid deportation, like submitting an application for citizenship.  While you may have zero chance of actually being granted citizenship, at least you'll "no longer [be] subject to the deportation processes."  And, as an added bonus, you

The Obama 'Recovery': Number Of Millennials Living At Home With Mom Reaches 75-Year High

The Obama 'Recovery': Number Of Millennials Living At Home With Mom Reaches 75-Year High

Millennials finally get to claim a trophy for an achievement they actually earned (no participation medals here)...that's right, Millennials have officially set a 75-year record for highest percentage of young adults living at home with mom.  At just under 40%, Millennials are barely shy of the all-time record of 40.9% set in 1940, after the end of the Great Depression.  For once, we have every confidence that our young snowflakes will excel in crushing this longstanding record.  Per the Wall Street Journal:
