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Trump Responds To Michelle Obama's Claim That He Is The "End Of Hope" For America

Trump Responds To Michelle Obama's Claim That He Is The "End Of Hope" For America

Michelle Obama appeared on Oprah yesterday and continued to ignore the unspoken, but widely acknowledged and obeyed, tradition of not bashing incoming administrations.  When asked whether Obama was successful at bringing "hope" to America, rather answer the question, the first lady decided to attack Trump by saying that "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."

Former Fed Advisor: State Pensions Time Bomb Spells Disaster For The US

Former Fed Advisor: State Pensions Time Bomb Spells Disaster For The US

Underfunded government pensions to the tune of $1.3 trillion, with a gap that just can’t be filled, is the ticking time bomb facing the US economy which faces dramatic cuts in public services - and potentially riots reminiscent of Athens six years ago - according to former Federal Reserve advisor, and President of Money Strong, Danielle DiMartino Booth.

'Progressive' San Franciscans Strongly Support Immigration Rights (Just Not In Their Neighborhood)

'Progressive' San Franciscans Strongly Support Immigration Rights (Just Not In Their Neighborhood)

"Not in my back yard..."

San Francisco is one of the most progressive cities in the nation, especially when it comes to national immigration, notes San Francisco Chronicle's Vincent Woo.

We believe so much in the natural right of people to join us here in America that we fought to keep our status as sanctuary city even in the face of being federally defunded for it. We pride ourselves on our rejection of plans to tighten immigration controls and deport undocumented immigrants.

FBI Monitored Muhammad Ali After He Became Muslim

The FBI admits keeping tabs on the late American boxing legend Muhammad Ali after he converted to Islam and stood up to warmongers and racists during the 1960s. New documents made public by the FBI show that Ali’s ex-wife was treated as a “lead” during his divorce in 1966 as part of a larger investigation by the agency into the Nation of Islam. Sputnik reports: The 140 documents, some of which contain classified information, were released as a result of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog organization.

Study: Unvaccinated Children Healthier Than The Rest

A new peer-reviewed study comparing the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children has concluded that kids who do not receive vaccinations are significantly healthier . The study, published in the journal of public health, confirmed that completely unvaccinated children tend to have less chronic disease and have a lower risk of getting autism than vaccinated kids.
