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Oxford University Joins The List Of Liberal Institutions Urging "Gender Neutral Pronouns"

Oxford University Joins The List Of Liberal Institutions Urging "Gender Neutral Pronouns"

The University of Oxford has joined many other bastions of liberalism in the U.S. who, in an effort to endlessly cater to our overly sensitive millennials, have urged students to ditch gender-based pronouns like "he" and "she" for the gender-neutral alternative "ze."  Per EAG News, Oxford's behavior code states that inadvertently using the wrong pronoun for someone is technically "considered an offense" while British gay rights activist Peter Tatchell said that giving people the gender-neutral "ze" option is just a "thoughtful, considerate move."

Woman Fired For Calling Michelle Obama An "Ape In Heels" Quietly Gets Her Job Back

Woman Fired For Calling Michelle Obama An "Ape In Heels" Quietly Gets Her Job Back

Pamela Taylor, the director of the Clay County Development Corp in West Virginia, who got some unwelcome fame for calling Michelle Obama an "Ape in Heels" on Facebook has just been cleared to go back to work.  According to the Chareleston Gazette-Mail, Taylor will return to work on December 23rd at the CCDC which received nearly $2.0mm in state and federal funding in 2014.

Pension Ponzi Squared: New Jersey Wants To Sell Debt To Its Own Insolvent Funds

Pension Ponzi Squared:  New Jersey Wants To Sell Debt To Its Own Insolvent Funds

After struggling to raise debt from third parties to repair crumbling infrastructure, the state of New Jersey has come up with a "clever" approach to fundraising that entails selling debt to their own insolvent pension funds...something we've dubbed the "Pension Ponzi Squared."  Of course, because when everybody else shuns your debt for being too risky who better to sell it to than yourself?

"We Are Watching The Long Game To Total Censorship Play Out"

"I don't believe any of this is a coincidence at all," explains TruthStream's Melissa Dykes.

"This is a coordinated effort to take everything that the government does not want people sharing online and slap labels on it: 'hate speech', 'cyber bullying', 'fake news', and now 'Russian propaganda' - mix it all together in a giant ball and justify censoring it. You can see, when you take a step back, how coordinated this effort really is."

Trump Officially Nominates Retired Marine General John Kelly As Homeland Security Secretary

Trump Officially Nominates Retired Marine General John Kelly As Homeland Security Secretary

This morning Trump has confirmed his intention to nominate retired Marine General John Kelly to head the Department of Homeland Security, a pick that had been rumored for days.  In a statement, Trump highlighted Kelly's experience in defending the homeland from threats of terrorism and said that he was the right person to "spearhead the urgent mission of stopping illegal immigration and securing our borders."
