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Social Issues

Study Proving Vaccines Cause Autism Banned From Internet

A peer-reviewed scientific study that proved vaccinated children are three times more likely to be diagnosed with autism and other neurological disorders and health problems has been unpublished and pulled from the internet after receiving heavy criticism from the vaccine industry and mainstream media. The results of the first ever study comparing the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children was published online in Frontiers in Public Health after being accepted November 2. The study compared children’s health via surveys of 412 mothers of children aged 6-12 years.

EU Demands Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft Cede to Their Anti-Hate Speech Laws

There's so much hate out there. The EU has decided they're going to do something about it, god damn it. All of the damned, fucking, voters running astray this year must have the autocrats going apeshit trying to figure out ways to suppress populism. As such, the EU is demanding that US tech giants comply with their demands to curtail 'hate speech' else be literally forced to do so -- according to law. The laws are designed to protect migrants streaming into the EU, raping and pillaging along the way.

Europeans, you must comply.

source: Reuters

Don't Want A Muslim Registry? Abolish The Census

Submitted by Alice Salles via The Mises Institute,

As President-elect Donald Trump met with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach — a potential pick for head of the Department of Homeland Security — the internet lit up with the leaked contents of their meeting, triggering another round of talks concerning a possible “national registry” of Americans or immigrants who subscribe to Islam.

Benny Hill Classified As ‘Porn’, Banned Under New UK Laws

The Benny Hill Show is to be banned from U.K. screens as “offensive, obscene pornography” under a controversial new British law. A list of sexual acts including “spanking” have been banned from UK entertainment and pornography for being “offensive, obscene or potentially life endangering” and The Benny Hill Show, a British sitcom that aired between 1955 and 1991 in over 140 countries has been deemed unsuitable for British screens in 2016.

U.S. Catholic Church Forced To Pay $4 Billion To Child Abuse Victims

An independent investigation has discovered that the U.S. Catholic Church has been forced to pay almost $4 billion in compensation to child abuse victims.  Over the course of the last 65 years, the Church’s sex abuse scandals have cost them a staggering $3,994,797,060.10, according to research conducted by NCR. reports: And that’s an underestimate since we still don’t know how much was spent for therapy for the victims, help for the offenders, and the creation of “safe environment” programs.
