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Social Issues

Andrew Breitbart Warned Us About Podesta Pedo Links In 2011

Andrew Breitbart warned us in a series of tweets in 2011 that John Podesta had links to underage sex slavery and pedophilia. In 2010, years before WikiLeaks emails exposed John Podesta’s dubious activities, Andrew Breitbart recognized Clinton’s campaign manager as one of the biggest, most corrupt figures in Washington, D.C. How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

Nursery Schools In Italy Ban Unvaccinated Children

Politicians in Emilia-Romagna, a region in northern Italy, have approved a law that bans unvaccinated children from attending nurseries, for public health and safety reasons. The law will come into force next month, but parents will be given until the spring of 2017 to bring their child’s immunisation up to date. reports: The law was passed by the regional Legislative Assembly with a majority of 27 votes in favor on Wednesday. The five votes against the initiative came from the Five Star Movement, while 10 lawmakers abstained.
