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Social Issues

Nursery Schools In Italy Ban Unvaccinated Children

Politicians in Emilia-Romagna, a region in northern Italy, have approved a law that bans unvaccinated children from attending nurseries, for public health and safety reasons. The law will come into force next month, but parents will be given until the spring of 2017 to bring their child’s immunisation up to date. reports: The law was passed by the regional Legislative Assembly with a majority of 27 votes in favor on Wednesday. The five votes against the initiative came from the Five Star Movement, while 10 lawmakers abstained.

College Students Demand Police Investigate "Suck It Up, Pussies" Post-It Note As Hate Crime

College Students Demand Police Investigate "Suck It Up, Pussies" Post-It Note As Hate Crime

Today we learn of yet another campus full of disaffected Hillary snowflakes who were triggered by a post-it note suggesting that they should stop whining about the election and just "suck it up, pussies."  This latest example comes to us from Edgewood College in the ultra-liberal bastion of Madison, Wisconsin via Campus Reform.

Who Pays What Taxes In The US

Who Pays What Taxes In The US

Every presidential election brings with it a renewed debate on taxes: should tax rates be increased or decreased (which in turn forces economists to break out their textbooks to brush up on their Laffer curve definitions)? Traditionally, the question eventually boils down to one thing: what should the tax treatment of the "rich" be: should the wealthy pay more or less in taxes?

Erdogan Threatens To Unleash Migrant Crisis Into Europe

Turkey’s President Erdogan has vowed to open his country’s border and release hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe if the European Parliament continues to halt EU membership talks. Yesterday the Euro Parliament voted for a temporary freeze on Turkey’s EU accession talks in response to concerns over Erdogan’s heavy-handed crackdown following July’s failed coup. Daily Mail reports: Turkey’s bid to join the EU now looks doomed after the European Parliament demanded that membership talks with Ankara are frozen.
