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About That "Fair Share"

Submitted by Simon Black via,

There are two words that kept coming up over and over again over the last 20+ months during the US Presidential circus: “fair share”.

Hardly a day went by without hearing that certain taxpayers “need to pay more of their fair share.”

It sounds really great, and given the voter statistics, this idea resonated with tens of millions of people. After all, who could possibly be against fairness?

Dallas Mayor Admits Police Pension Pushing City Toward "Fan Blades Of Municipal Bankruptcy"

Dallas Mayor Admits Police Pension Pushing City Toward "Fan Blades Of Municipal Bankruptcy"


A few months ago we wrote that the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund was on the verge of collapse after a series of shady real estate investments resulted in massive markdowns of pension assets, the ouster of the fund's CIO and an FBI raid of it's largest real estate investment manager (see "Dallas Cops' Pension Fund Nears Insolvency In Wake Of Shady Real Estate Deals, FBI Raid").  We summed up the fund's dilemma as follows:  

"What Happened To Your 'Love Trumps Hate' Line? You're All Damn Hypocrites!"

Fox's Judge Jeanine Pirro tore into the cast of 'Hamilton' for their "inappropriate" behavior this weekend, slamming it as "out and out reverse racism that tee'd up hate for a man who has done nothing to deserve it."

Pirro raged, Pence and President-elect Donald Trump won an election fair and square because "forgotten Americans, most of whom can't afford tickets to your play, and may not have even heard of it, got up and voted" against the Democrats' policies.

New York Governor Unveils Hate-Crime Unit, Plans Taxpayer-Funded Defense Of Criminal Illegal Immigrants

It seems that even the Governor of the great state of New York is incapable of discerning 'real' from 'fake' news when it doesn't fit his narrative. Proclaiming that "if there is a move to deport immigrants then I say start with me," Andrew Cuomo appears to have missed Trump's proposal focused on ridding America of 'criminal illegal immigrants' and plans "to provide immigrants who can't afford their own defense the legal assistance they need.. because in New York, we believe in justice for all."

Thousands Protest Proposed Child Sex Abuse Bill In Turkey

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Istanbul on Saturday expressing their anger at a highly controversial draft law that would overturn men’s convictions for child sex assault if they married their victim. Demanding it be withdrawn, protesters shouted slogans condemning the bill which was recently brought to the parliament by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Press TV reports: Holding banners that read, “Rape cannot be legitimized” and “AKP, take your hands off my body,” the demonstrators shouted, “We will not shut up. We will not obey.
