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Social Issues

US Schools To Teach ‘Transgenderism’ In Schools

Some schools in the U.S. will be required to teach transgenderism studies to kindergartens by the fall of 2017, under new plans by the government. Washington state public schools will begin teaching young school children about transgender issues under newly-approved health education learning standards that places transgender studies as a required part of K-12 eduction. Kids as young as five years old will be expected to understand concepts such as “gender fluidity” and will be taught that “there are many ways to express gender”.

13 Of 23 Co-Ops Created Under Obamacare Have Failed

Submitted by Ali Meyer via,

Ohio’s InHealth Mutual co-op announced last week that it is going out of business, making it the 13th co-op to fail out of the 23 that were created under Obamacare.

The Ohio Department of Insurance asked to liquidate the company, saying that the company was in a “hazardous financial condition.” The co-op served nearly 22,000 consumers who now have 60 days to find another policy offered by another company on the federal exchange.

European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech

European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech

Submitted by Soren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,

  • Opponents counter that the initiative amounts to an assault on free speech in Europe. They say that the European Union's definition of "hate speech" and "incitement to violence" is so vague that it could include virtually anything deemed politically incorrect by European authorities, including criticism of mass migration, Islam or even the EU itself.
