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Illinois State Workers, Highest Paid In Nation, Demand Up To 29% Wage Hikes

Illinois State Workers, Highest Paid In Nation, Demand Up To 29% Wage Hikes

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Illinois state workers, are the highest paid in the nation.

Yet, despite the fact that Illinois is for all practical purposes insolvent, the AFSCME union demands four-year raises ranging from 11.5 to 29 percent, overtime after 37.5 hours of work per week, five weeks of vacation and enhanced health care coverage.

Demand For Small Arms 'Protection' In Germany Explodes As Immigrant Fear Rises

Demand For Small Arms 'Protection' In Germany Explodes As Immigrant Fear Rises

As the immigration crisis continues to intensify in Europe, Germans are buying protection - lots of it.

Recall that last year, following a 600% surge in pepper spray purchases, the country actually ended up running out of the product. Shortly thereafter, following a wave of New Year's Eve attacks, small arms sales subsequently skyrocketed.

The Moral Incoherence Of Drug Prohibition

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

The state of Rhode Island is considering the legalization of recreational marijuana, and some opponents of legalization have jumped in to demand the status quo continues. 

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday for example, that Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin has come out forcefully against the legalization of marijuana claiming that marijuana turns people into "zombie-like individuals." 

American College of Pediatricians: Transgender Agenda Harms Children

The American College of Pediatricians has publicly denounced the transgender agenda, saying that the condition may potentially harm children. On a statement on their website, ACPED urge teachers and lawmakers to reject the notion that being transgendered is ‘normal’, saying that those who ‘suffer from the condition’ should be considered mentally ill. reports: 1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of health – not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived either male or female.

The Surprising Decision Where To House Thousands Of Dutch Refugees: In Prison

With Europe facing two distinct challenges as a result of the ongoing refugee crisis (which in recent months has been tamed as a result Turkey withholding further immigrant outflows via the land route if only for the time being until Erdogan changes his mind and asks for more concessions), namely how to keep track of the hundreds of thousands of new immigrants, and also where to house them, the Netherlands has successfully killed these two birds with one stone.
