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Social Issues

What Are Schools For?

Here’s the text of the Obama administration’s ukase “guidance.”:

Dear Colleagues,

The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice released joint guidance today to help provide educators the information they need to ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on sex.

Trump In The Toilet

A Catholic reader is suddenly, in light of Obama’s “let my people go potty” bathroom decree, is seriously considering voting for Trump. He writes:

This is the test, right? He has been willing to stick it to the establishment on every issue. Every one. Even when it made him look like a goon. Here is where conservative Christians get to see if we are getting screwed AGAIN.

Some things he needs to say:

Young Rape Victim Given Euthanasia Drugs By Doctors

A young rape victim has been given euthanasia drugs by doctors in the Netherlands who agreed that the woman in her 20’s had nothing left to live for.  The unnamed sex abuse victim says she suffered abuse from the age of five to 15 and, although suffers no severe mental health problems now, has decided she wants to end her life via lethal injection. reports: As a result of her abuse, she suffered from post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD), severe anorexia, chronic depression and hallucinations, MailOnline reports.
